Formations professionnelles

Un programme varié de formations conçu pour répondre aux exigences de l’industrie, développé en collaboration avec elle et enseigné par ses maîtres.

PART-TIME LEARNING | VFX - Leadership Consciousness


PART-TIME LEARNING | VFX - Leadership Consciousness

General Description

Why is leadership crucial in the role of a manager?
This course serves to raise our awareness regarding our interpersonal interactions in the workplace. To build functional, efficient, and thriving production teams, it's not enough to merely have expectations for our team members. Instead, we must lead them through our work methodologies, employ emotional intelligence, and adapt to various personality types.

Training Goals

Gaining self-awareness and comprehending the impact of our communication style on others will equip us to be more conscious managers. Becoming aware helps us become better guides, leading our teams towards productivity and results that indirectly meet the initial expectations.

Target Audience

Production managers for visual effects and animation, coordinators, project managers (PMs), supervisors, producers, or other team leaders or superiors.


Engaging in (or aspiring to undertake) a managerial role, or having interactions aimed at leading other employees.


  REGULAR RATE   $220 + taxes



10 hours   




* The NAD-UQAC School has been approved by the provincial and federal governments, as well as Québec Emploi, and is on the list of Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs). Therefore, all our training programs are eligible for Bill 90 or Canada Training Credit, whether you are a company or  an individual.


NAD-UQAC School, Îlot Balmoral, 1501 de Bleury, 7th Floor, Montreal, Québec  H3A 0H3

The training is offered online

The participants will be provided with a web link.

Type of Training

Theoretical and practical

Certificate of Completion

Participants must attend a minimum of 80% of classes to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion

About the instructor

Meggie Cabral

Visual Effects Project Manager for over 12 years now, Meggie started off in the industry as technical support specialist for Autodesk’s Media & Entertainment softwares such as Flame, Smoke & Lustre. Her desire to become a camera operator during her college studies, rapidly turned into a preference for what was happening beyond the camera, mostly during the post-production process.

After 5 years of technically supporting artists from a distance over the phone, she decided to move onto new challenges and integrated the VFX Industry by becoming a Coordinator at RodeoFX which counted only a little over 20 employees at the time.
She rapidly became a vfx project manager and learned to introduce efficient management methodologies along side her amazing colleagues. Work methodologies that have followed her throughout her different work experiences in different studios such as Oblique FX, Alchemy 24 et Cinesite.
She also had the opportunity to challenge her capabilities and expertise on a few movie productions such as the french production of Beauty and the Beast and as VFX Producer for Denis Villeneuve’s movie, Arrival.
After many years in the VFX industry, Meggie slowed down the pace and moved towards a better work/life balance, reduced her working hours to allocate more time to her biggest passion: her 3 kids.

Today, Meggie shares her knowledge, know-how and vfx management experience with trainings she has developed including the usage of her all-time favourite tool, Shotgrid software.
Her leadership now goes beyond the Visual Effects industry.  She has developed ways to accompany professionals like her, to widen their horizons, step out of their comfort zones, identify their limiting beliefs, access their full potential and take actions that will help them shape their own destinies.

Course Contents

Session 1: Emotional Intelligence: Everyone's Inner Tool
• Types of emotional intelligence
• The importance of emotional intelligence in a managerial role
• How to develop emotional intelligence

Session 2: Types of Leadership: Do You Recognize Yourself?
• Identify your leadership style
• The impact of leadership styles in the workplace

Session 3: Types of Personalities: Do You Have a Leader Within You?
• 5 personality traits that sway our interactions and influence within our
• Which personality traits to cultivate to better your leadership skills

Session 4: Personality Types: Adapting to Each Individual's Core
• The personality types we interact with on a daily basis
• Becoming aware of psychological types and using them to adapt to our
counterparts / the people we lead

Session 5: Communication Skills: Adjusting to Create Momentum
• Embracing the foundational principles of communication
• Developing an understanding of the repercussions of our communication



Every participant will be provided with a remote access to an individual work station and a web link a few days prior to the beginning of the training. Participants will have access to all necessary educational material and media contents.